Retrieve list of all users online in a chat room

Learn how to use iFlyChat API to get the list of all online users in a global or private chat room

List of users online in a chat room


iFlyChat API to get the list of online users in a global or private chat room

Path Parameters

Request Body

"users": [
    "user_id": "1",
    "user_role": "admin",
    "user_name": "shashwat",
    "user_status": "1",
    "user_avatar_url": "/sites/default/files/styles/thumbnail/public/pictures/picture-1-1427288050.jpg?itok=glXtBjnp",
    "user_profile_url": "javascript:void(0)"
    "user_id": "2",
    "user_role": "admin",
    "user_name": "shubham",
    "user_status": "1",
    "user_avatar_url": "/sites/all/modules/drupalchat/themes/light/images/default_avatar.png",
    "user_profile_url": "javascript:void(0)"
  "length": 2

Curl Command

Here is the sample curl command required to make HTTP request:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"api_key\":\"Wr4vpoJ_ET3lpBdX9E9TutUic4Dgb-gc7RGzuZvKqZgW5\"}"

Last updated